-January 23, 2006 >> After a period without update, the website is available at this adress:  . Don't forget to change the link in your favorites.

-October 22, 2006 >> Because of restrictions from our current server, the updates are stopped. As a consequence we will change of server soon, so the adress of the site will change but this one will be available until February 2007. The new adress is Two new websites will be published: this one about French Wings Over Algeria and another one about the Frenc Pilots Training from 1940 to 1970. We will post a piece of new when the new adress will be available to change your links.

-August 17, 2006 >> A lot of new stuff and pages were added on the website since the last news. The gallery is, of course, updating with frequent updates. A guestbook has been created, but no comment is posted for the moment, so don't hesitate to leave one. A page about the authors has been created. A FORUM will be available very soon !

-August 1, 2006 >> New document added on Docments page:  P47D's Serial Numbers. Gallery updated with new profiles of Super Mystère B2 and Mystère IV in French Air Force gallery, and Catalina in French Navy section.

-July 30, 2006 >> Stories page updated with the story of Col. Jean-Claude Brunet.

-July 28, 2006 >> New script on the Gallery link to improve the navigation. Now, when you click on the Gallery, a new window is opened. Documents Page updated, a new table is online, and two maps has been added on the Maps page.

-July 27, 2006 >> New update on the gallery. The design has been improved for a better resolution quality and new sections are available: Documents, Specifications, Stories, ans Maps. It will be updated very soon.

-July 18, 2006 >> The gallery has been upldated. , 908 pictures are now available ! The news and the contacts have been updated too.